
Get data-rich, accurate used car listings in seconds


Within seconds, our platform matches your used car registration number or VIN to our comprehensive specs database with near to 100% accuracy. Our AI-powered generator (built on Microsoft Azure OpenAI technology) then combines it with trends data from hundreds of thousands of real-life transactions to create a detailed, accurate, and compelling description.  

Our ground-breaking used car insights and AI-driven descriptions is launching at the end of July in Great Britain, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy, and you can be among the first to experience its benefits: 

  • Instant, accurate used car descriptions: Quickly create detailed and compelling listings with specs data that boasts a near-perfect match rate. 
  • Enhanced buyer trust: Provide reliable information to boost confidence and sales. 
  • Operational efficiency: Streamline your used car listing process and save valuable time. 

Register your interest now by filling out our form to gain early access and sell your used cars faster.



How it works:  

Enter a used car’s details into our system and receive a comprehensive dashboard showcasing: 

  • Sales popularity: Model popularity during its initial registration.  
  • Comprehensive specs: Detailed specifications, including engine size and trim.
  • Market standing: Historical and current popularity within its segment.
  • Colour and options insights: Most popular colour and sought-after features.
  • Pricing information: Pricing when new to inform your used car pricing decisions. 

You can then click on our AI generator to factor in the above data for a consumer-friendly used car description, ready to publish online within seconds. 


Why our AI generator? 

JATO has been a trusted authority in automotive data for 40 years, renowned for our proprietary vehicle specifications. Our platform provides instant access to the most comprehensive specs database available, ensuring accurate and detailed information for every vehicle derivative. 

By combining this extensive specs data with insightful popularity metrics and precise pricing information from real-life consumer transactions, our AI-powered generator (built on Microsoft Azure OpenAI technology) creates validated and verified used car descriptions. This saves you time, provides reassurance, and enhances buyer trust.  


Part of a bigger data-rich ecosystem 

Our AI-driven used car descriptions is just one element of a much larger and no-cost offering by JATO Sales Link. The tool includes data and insights on top-selling vehicles across all makes and models, final sales price and discounts applied, additional packs and options uptake, and more—a must-have for buyers, pricing analysts, and salespeople.  

If you have any questions, please email: